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Miami Trucking Accidents

Florida truck accidents can result in catastrophic injuries or even death. Very often, it is the occupants of the passenger vehicle who sustain major injuries as opposed to the driver of the truck. Victims of Florida truck accidents would be well-advised to speak with a skilled truck accident attorney to discuss their legal options. Failure to act quickly and obtain skilled legal representation can have devastating financial consequences for victims.

Causes of Florida Trucking Accidents

Truck drivers are not always at fault for big rig accidents. However, in cases where they are at fault, the drivers, as well as their employers, could be held liable. The most common causes of Florida truck accidents are:

  • Fatigued Driving: All truck drivers must adhere to strict government regulations regarding the number of hours they can drive without rest. Many truck drivers attempt to make difficult and unrealistic deadlines by continuing to drive no matter how tired they feel. Fatigued driving can be as dangerous as drunken driving and truck drivers who fall asleep at the wheel can cause catastrophic damage to anyone and anything in the path of their truck.
  • Inexperienced Driving: It takes an incredible amount of focus and skill to safely operate an 80,000-pound tractor-trailer. Inexperienced truck drivers have a greater likelihood of making a mistake or reacting incorrectly to an emergency.
  • Limited Visibility: Trucks have blind spots directly behind, in front, and on the sides. Drivers of passenger vehicles should do their best to stay out of truck blind spots. Truck drivers must signal when they are going to change lanes and they must make the effort to make sure it is safe before making a turn.
  • Improperly Loaded Trailers: Poorly distributed weight in a trailer can cause a jackknife truck accident.
  • Poor Maintenance: A truck with faulty brakes and defective tires can put everyone on the road at great risk. Truck owners, drivers, shipping companies, and the mechanics they hire must all make sure that the truck and trailer are properly maintained.
What to do if You are in a Florida Trucking Accident

There are many steps you should take to ensure that your rights are protected. Make sure you write down the details of the driver involved, the location of the accident, how the accident occurred, and the contact information for anyone who may have witnessed the crash. You should contact the authorities and make sure that a police report is filed. If you have a camera – even if it is a cell phone camera -- take several photos of everything at the crash site including the injuries you suffered. Seek medical attention for your injuries.

Last but not the least, contact an experienced Miami truck accident attorney at the Law Office of Ruth E. Johnson. Investigating truck accidents is no easy task. Trucking firms get their attorneys and insurance adjusters at the scene right away so they can protect their best interests. It is important that you get a personal injury lawyer on your side right away before important evidence such as driver logs, maintenance records, and other important documents are lost, misplaced, or destroyed. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a Florida truck accident, please contact our skilled personal injury lawyers to better understand your legal rights and options.

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