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Brain Injuries Suffered on the Job

The loss of typical physical abilities as well as serious psychological problems can be brought on by traumatic brain injury. Their family frequently suffer a great deal as a result of them, financially, emotionally, and physically. Making up for missed pay, any immediate medical care, any required ongoing care, and the assistance of family members are just a few of the costs connected with this kind of accident.

Sometimes the signs of a brain damage are not immediately evident. It may be obvious to you and to those who know you well that you have a mild TBI if you have symptoms including mood swings, headaches, vision problems, confusion, and problems concentrating. Your medical professional will probably conduct diagnostic procedures, such as x-rays or MRIs, if you experience a traumatic brain injury. Treatments could take a long time, and benefits might be hard to quantify.

Unfortunately, brain injuries are extremely complicated and may have long-term effects. More serious injuries may not be treatable and result in death. The funeral and other costs involved with the funeral would be left up to the family members in the event of a catastrophic damage to the brain.

You might be eligible to file a workers' compensation claim if you had a brain injury at work. Employers in Florida are required to have workers' compensation insurance if they have four or more employees. Because the workers' compensation system is no-fault, you do not have to demonstrate that your employer committed a mistake in order to get compensation.

Our Brain Injuries Attorney Can Help You with Your Claim

We can assist you in navigating the legal system and obtaining the medical care you require. You should seek medical attention as soon as you can. Additionally, you must move promptly to pursue your legal claims since failure to do so might result in you missing deadlines that would stop you from bringing a lawsuit and a workers' compensation claim. Our traumatic brain injury lawyers will assist you and your loved one in recovering financial support and starting again.

An attorney who specializes in traumatic brain injuries is aware of some of the challenges that may arise in the hours, days, and weeks following the accident as well as those that may persist for the rest of your life. An attorney can consider both the immediate therapies you might require and the potential long-term treatments you could require that you might not consider at the time the accident happens when determining your eligibility for compensation.

In Florida, it's crucial to contact a qualified workers’ compensation lawyer as soon as possible if you or a loved one has received a traumatic brain injury. At the Law Office of Ruth E. Johnson, we have the knowledge and resources need to assist you in getting the compensation you are entitled. You are welcome to talk with us about your situation and learn how we might assist during a free consultation. To begin working on your claim, call us right now at 305-720-2086.

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