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Slip and Fall Accidents at Work

Slip and fall incidents can occur for a number of situations, but if another person's negligence caused to your injury, you can be entitled to compensation. Slip and fall accidents can result in severe injuries that harm the brain, spine, bones, and even result in death.

It is simple to briefly examine your injuries after a fall, seem normal around witnesses, and leave the location. However, as the adrenaline wears off, you could notice your injuries are more serious than you originally believed. Before you leave the area, make sure you explore your surroundings to determine what caused your slip or fall.

Parties that could be liable for your slip and fall accident can be property owners, a third party at your workplace, a municipality or a property management business. To ensure that guests are safe on the property, these parties have an obligation of care. They are negligent if they fail to adhere to this obligation. You could pursue an insurance claim against its homeowner's insurance.

Insurance providers are aware that incidents involving slip and falls may end up in court. Without looking out for your best interests, they can take advantage of your claims against you. Before accepting a settlement offer, consult with your attorney. The insurance representative may have knowingly excluded the cost of your future medical care from the offer.

When the insurance provider calls, do not provide more details than are necessary. Also, don't make an attempt to clarify how the incident occurred. Any acknowledgment of guilt will be used to their advantage by the adjuster. These discussions should be handled by your attorney.

Slip and fall injured people can qualify for compensation for past, present, and future medical expenses, lost wages and income, reduced earning capacity, and suffering and pain. It could also be eligible to get reimbursed for some other unrelated out-of-pocket costs. Since every situation is different, there is no method for predicting the outcome. We advise you to get in touch with a skilled lawyer, like the attorneys at the Law Office of Ruth E. Johnson, for a free consultation.

How a Slip and Fall Accident Attorney Can Assist You

Don't allow a fall cost you more money than it needs to. We will hold the negligent party accountable and guarantee that only the most skilled attorneys will handle your slip and fall incident. Your life might change or perhaps end in death if you slip and fall. Our workers’ compensation attorneys are knowledgeable with Florida law and can assist you in obtaining the compensation you are entitled to.

The Law Office of Ruth E. Johnson will see to it that all of your medical expenses—past, present, and future—as well as any pain, suffering, and decreased quality of life—are paid for. We also consider any lost wages or time away from work resulting from injury. We are aware that your issue requires tenacious representation; let us handle it for you. For a free consultation, contact us today at 305-720-2086.

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