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Cutler Bay Car Accidents

You should always make efforts to protect yourself and your property immediately following a car accident. It is essential to remember that the individual who caused the accident and their insurance company are looking out for themselves, not you. Insist on filing a report with the police after a car accident; this is a common error that is easily avoidable.

Other than your attorney or physician, do not discuss the car accident or your injuries with anybody. You do not want to communicate with an insurance adjuster from the other insurance company, and you certainly do not want to provide them any recorded communication about the accident or injuries.

It is also strongly advised to photograph the car accident scene, including any obvious injuries and cars involved, as well as any bruises, scars, or other visible evidence of harm to your body. It is not easy to explain, but insurance companies are quite distrustful of injuries, and demonstrating visible scars or even bruises that eventually heal up is very compelling to a jury and very persuasive to an insurance company to establish injuries.

In general, I also advise that after a vehicle, motorbike, or auto accident, you should get medical help right away for your injuries. However, you must make sure that your injuries are documented, and therapy is essential for this. You should be treated exactly the same as if you had been hurt and it was no one's fault. Describe any feelings of anxiety, disorientation, memory problems, scars, bruises, etc., or other symptoms you may have suffered.

Why Hire a Cutler Bay Car Accident Attorney?

After an accident, if the police find that you weren't at fault, you can be entitled to compensation from the person at-fault to pay for your medical expenses and even time away from work. A skilled car accident lawyer in Cutler Bay, Florida, can assist you with your case and ensure that you are adequately protected when dealing with a large insurance company.

It may be tempting to accept a quick payout from the insurance company of the negligent party after an accident, but it's recommended to first speak with the best car accident attorney in Cutler Bay. Your wounds could be more serious than they seem at first, and you might require further chiropractic treatments, physical therapy sessions, or even surgery to treat the harm caused by the accident. You could not get enough from the insurance payout to cover these injuries if you don't have a skilled Cutler Bay car accident attorney on your side. Several insurance companies may flatly decline to pay your claim, take their time, or want to appear in court.

A claim against the parties responsible must be pursued in order to receive a complete recovery. We work on a contingency fee basis, similar to the majority of Florida automobile accident attorneys. Because of this, our fee is calculated as a percentage of the overall recovery. We do not, however, take any of the PIP compensation that you get. Before their accident lawsuit against the at-fault driver is settled, our clients frequently obtain their entire PIP payments. Call us today for your FREE consultation at 305-720-2086.

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