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Auto Accidents While at Work

Many workers spend long hours working near Florida roadways and driving on them. Victims of Miami work-related car accidents have the right to pursue compensation for their losses. Victims injured in auto accidents on the job would be well-advised to call an experienced Miami personal injury attorney to discuss their legal rights and options.

Florida Workers' Compensation Benefits

All Florida employers with at least four employees are required to have workers' compensation coverage in case of an accident. Immediately following a workplace accident, victims may apply for workers' compensation to help them cover the costs of the injury. Depending upon the circumstances, workers' compensation benefits may cover about two-thirds of all wages lost during the recovery process and all medical expenses related to the incident.

Applying for workers' compensation benefits can be a complicated process and many applications are denied due to lack of proper information. Anyone considering applying for workers' compensation or who has had compensation benefits refused would be well-advised to discuss his or her claim with a skilled personal injury attorney.

Personal Injury Claims

Injured victims of negligent drivers may pursue compensation for their losses by filing a personal injury claim. When a worker is injured by someone’s negligence, they may also file a claim to recover the damages caused by the accident. In many cases, filing an injury claim in addition to filing for workers' compensation may be the only way to receive fair and full compensation for an injury.

Workers Commonly Injured in Florida Auto Accidents

Anyone injured in an auto accident while working may seek compensation from their employer and from the at-fault party. Workers who are at the greatest risk for these types of workplace accidents include roadway workers, delivery workers, police officers, and truck drivers. Employees injured while working have in their best interest to speak with an attorney to ensure that they are able to receive fair compensation for their losses.

Amount of Compensation Available to Injured Workers

Each injury claim is different. So, there is no easy way to determine exactly what a workplace injury is worth. A few examples of damages that may be considered in an injury claim include:

  • Past and Present Medical Expenses: The bills from your initial emergency room visit and prescriptions should be covered in a claim.
  • Future Medical Expenses: Many serious injuries require repeat visits to the hospital, physical therapy, and surgeries. These future medical bills should also be compensated by a workers' compensation claim or personal injury claim.
  • Lost Wages: The wages lost while the victim recovers should be at least partially covered by workers' compensation benefits. When an injury is long-term or permanent, compensation for the lost wages should correspond to the severity of the injury and the time spent away from work.
  • Pain and Suffering: When an injury is particularly serious, there may be additional monetary compensation for the physical pain and mental anguish suffered.

To fully understand the compensation that may be available to you, it would be in your best interest to speak with a reputed personal injury attorney. The workers' compensation and personal injury attorneys at the Law Office of Ruth E. Johnson work to protect the rights of injured Florida workers. We will remain on your side, fight for your rights and help you secure fair compensation for all your injuries, damages, and losses. Call us today for a free and comprehensive consultation.

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